ServFaces Plastic Coat 1.5oz

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ServFaces Plastic Coat 50ml


Application instructions for servFaces Plastic Coat-
for untreated Plastic

Clean surfaces and remove grease Recommendation - Clean with Ultima surface cleaner and then neutralise with Neutra Cleaner.

Please ensure that the surface is completely free of oils, waxes, silicone and surfactants - otherwise our high-performance coating will not bond with the surface of the paint.

Add 12 to 15 drops of servFaces Plastic Coat to the applicator. Apply servFaces Plastic

Coat evenly to the surface until a visible sealed film forms. Wipe away excess product immediately with a microfiber cloth.

Apply Plastic Coat evenly with the applicator and the microfiber cloth until an even streak-free surface is formed.

If possible, do not apply mechanical stress to the synthetic surface for 12 to 18 hours. Ensure that no other liquids come into contact with the surface during this period.



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